
Friday, September 12, 2014

New York Fashion Week's Plaza Fashion

Earlier this week, I took a half-day off from work and ran over to Lincoln Center, the epicenter of this week’s New York Fashion Week. I knew the scene on the plaza outside the presentation hall would be buzzing. I thought it would be fun to check it out and report back to Flattering50 readers. Sure enough, there were lots of people—professional paparazzi and bloggers with iPhones (like me!) as well as an eclectic assortment of young men and women who seemed primarily interested in getting themselves photographed—mulling about.While this post isn't specifically about style for women over 50, I thought Flattering50 readers, who I know are interested in fashion and style, might like a glimpse of this week's plaza fashion.

Runway shows were happening at different locations around the city all week. I chose to hang out at Lincoln Center because the shows are running all day and because it has a lovely plaza that always attracts professional photographers and bloggers, hoping to get shots of runway models and other important fashion types. At times, it's easy to move around the large plaza; it doesn't feel particularly crowded.

At other times, it gets pretty crowded when someone well-known comes through it...

When there aren't any notable fashion people passing through the plaza, the photographers and video crews turn their lens on those who've dressed to be photographed.

Needless to say, there are lots and lots of photos being taken. These two photographers even turned their lens on each other...

Not surprisingly, there are legions of young women in mini skirts coming and going to shows. However, my fashion take-away from the afternoon is this: there are no rules. I'm starting to think rules are what fashion editors dream up so that they have something to write about. Don't misunderstand me: I love fashion editors. I just don't like fashion rules. Style is all about what looks flattering and feels good on the individual. I saw woman after woman on the plaza following her own style and looking good. Yes, there are trends each season and I like to use those to breathe a little new life into my wardrobe, buying a few new things and rethinking what I already have. However, I believe, as I think a lot of over 50 women do, that you can do what you want as long as it makes you look smashing. The only reason there is so much conformity of style among youngsters is they haven't gained the confidence to go their own way.

And yes, there were mini skirts galore on the plaza. But there were skirts with longer lengths, too. I loved this one...

I also saw a number of women wearing long formal gowns, which seemed a little surprising for daytime. But vive la différence. This one reminded me of something Ginger Roger might have worn...

At this point, you might be wondering: "Was there no one over 30?" You mean, besides me? Yes, though the percentage was miniscule. Still, many of them looked smashing. I promise to write about them soon.